Dealing with Inertia

Inertia is one of the natural laws we live with in everyday life. It is a present and powerful force that slow the most powerful forces to a standstill. We as mortal humans in the physical body are as susceptible to this force as anything else.

Luckily for us we have other, nonphysical aspects to us which are not subject to these forces. Our Will is one example. It endures despite inertia, and this is a major advantage for us as humans when it comes to our creativity and ability to change ourselves and our surroundings for the better.

How we engage our animating spirit in the service of creating our results has everything to do with the quality of those results.

When in the activity of leading ourselves (first) and then others (second), dealing with inertia is key. Getting a project started and keeping the momentum going over a sustained period of time, through to completion requires us to address the effects of inertia effectively.

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