Misunderstanding & Clarity

We all find it difficult when our drama collides with another’s. If we can see that our drama is not created by the other, but by our own thought, then we have the ultimate leverage point, from which we can see things more clearly.

We can learn to trust our intuitive wisdom in the moment to guide us to what’s best, contextually.

Also we can be less harsh on ourselves for being part of the human race and subject to this fundamental misunderstanding that causes so much unnessessary pain, in ourselves and in others.

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Emergent Understanding

I am the one who is doing this (thinking/feeling) to myself.
Its no one else, even if it looks like it’s someone else that’s creating it.

Personal leadership is to trust the unknown inside of yourself and to allow your authentic self to emerge, particularly when you are not sure of exactly what it might look or feel like.

To trust that your innate wisdom will guide you in each moment, if you allow it to.  To have courage in the face of fear and to love yourself fundamentally, no matter what comes.

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Holding resentment and ill will against another is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die…

In life there are many things that happen to us, and by us that ultimately sometimes we wish had never happened. Sometimes they can be a very painful and really start us on a path of ultimately living out revenge or just suppression of anger or guilt. Which leads to all kinds of other illness and unhappiness.

And really at times what’s required is to simply to forgive. Sometimes to forgive others and other times to forgive ourselves…

Listen to the Personal Forgiveness recording here

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Everyday Leadership

There is a leader in everyone of us.

Every day we have the opportunity to define and refine our many leadership qualities, so transforming our relationship with ourself, others and the world around us.

What personal leadership quality do you see in yourself?

Which one will you choose to refine today?

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Allow the process

Personal leadership is to trust the unknown inside of yourself and to allow your authentic self to emerge, particularly when you are not sure of exactly what it might look or feel like.

You are the one who is doing this (thinking/feeling) to yourself. No one else, even if it looks like it’s someone else that’s creating it.

Trust that your innate wisdom will guide you in each moment, if you allow it to.

Have courage in the face of fear and love yourself fundamentally, no matter what comes.

Be present, so you can respond, rather than react.

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Finding your way

Ever noticed how the mind can become overly obsessed with finding “the answer”?

Ever been in a thought-storm, where your mind races uncontrollably? Sometimes for good reason?

Ever felt the insistence that you had to “make it work” or “come up with the answer”, only to find that those demands of yourself were the very thing that stopped your creativity dead?

We all at times lose our way on our path, and at times uncertainty, anxiety and worry can set in. We, as humans, can at times become pre-occupied with what’s on our mind, and forget what we really have going for us.

In an attempt of our intellect, we try to make the answers come through analysis and thinking. And whilst we get some good results, sometimes very successful ones, they come at a cost.

If we are overly invested in this way of thinking and living, it can sometimes lead to obsessive thinking, anxiety, fatigue, burnout and potentially depression.

However, having said all of that we have one thing going for us, that can help us find our way, reliably.

It’s your clarity, your inner compass and wisdom that is contextually aware and knows what’s best for you, if you will allow it to.

You see, in an age where the intellect is enshrined and our external reality dominated by information, media and complexity, the answer is less thinking, not more.

When we allow ourselves the space for our intuitive insight to its best work, it comes up with sometimes ingenious insights that we may not have seen had we been incessantly trying to find the answer.

As an example, ever noticed that when you don’t have a lot on your mind, like in the shower, or if you go for a walk, sometimes answers to problems show up in the most unexpected ways?

So next time you are facing a challenge, you may want to consider taking a few moments to allow your mind to clear and see what emerges.

Paradoxically, the less effort you put into doing this, the better the result is likely to be.

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Be with the changes

From the music album “1 Giant Leap”

Feeling abandoned
Losing self confidence
Fear of the future
Obsessed with possessions
Fear of being penniless
No-one to touch
Lost of psychological power… because there is change afoot.

Be with the changes, and at the same moment, cultivate equinimity, spaciousness, emptiness, awareness, clarity… may it be so.

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Upset and Angry – perceptions and paradigms

Ever found yourself feeling upset and angry,and justifiably so?

Ever said or written something when you were upset or angry, only to find out you wish you hadn’t?

The general common sense approach is that it’s probably best to hold off for a while, as it’s very likely that your effectiveness will be quite different once the emotion has settled.

Even with all the training, processing and insights I have had over 20 years, I am astounded by the ability of the human mind to be so blinded by anger, justification and resentment, in an instant.

With all the best intentions, actions and commitments in place, it seems we are always subject to the whims of the mind. All the theory and structure of positive and uplifting thinking and understanding is great when we feel happy and relaxed, but when it comes to being angry and justifiably so, the metaphorical gloves of the mind come off.

We are then subject to the full power of the mind, convinced with its current reality.

It colours everything.

Our perception of how things are is so dependent on our thinking and feeling that we are convinced that our point of view is right.

The trouble with this is that we are convinced we are right.

So how is it that we an see things so very differently, sometimes just an hour or two apart?

Same context, same events, but different thinking and feeling.

So it makes sense that how we think, and therefore feel, is a crucial part of our experience.
In fact it’s a far more powerful influence on our experience than circumstances or events.

Instead of being at the mercy of circumstances, our greatest point of personal leverage is for us to realise that there is a principal that governs this realm of experience.

We are always and only ever feeling the principal of thought taking form, moment to moment.
However, even though this is what is really responsible for our felt experience, it sure does not look this way.

Just like it looks like the sun goes around the earth, at a principal level, it works differently from the way it actually looks!

We are all subject to this common and fundamental misunderstanding. One that looks so real, that on the first pass, it’s easy to miss the implications of.

I encourage you to check this out for yourself, rather than just taking my word for it.

If the above is true, then, what are the implications:

– for you in your personal and professional life?

– for us as human beings, in relationship with one another and the world around us?

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Illusion & Clarity

On the days that my thinking is obsessive, judgemental and mis-aligned with my highest good, the biggest challenge is not that I’m off course, but that I doggedly believe that I’m justified in being so. Inadvertently, my thinking is suddenly focussed on others and how they are causing my state. I’m irritated, upset, angry and frustrated. I thought I had my thinking sorted out…and now this, again, as if nothing had ever changed….

My perception colours everything. My thinking, feelings, behaviour and my results.

And yet, at the centre of my being, there is a wisdom. Despite all the swirling thoughts and feelings, and my being convinced that this is the way it is and will always be, there is a voice inside that is pointing me to look at where this is all coming from.

What happens next, totally depends on which point of view I take.

If I pause for long enough to remember that my feelings come from my thinking, and nowhere else, then I can be free from the greatest illusion of all time.

In truth, my feelings are not coming from anywhere else, but my thinking.

Funnily enough, an intellectual understanding of this, is not what makes this work. If I hear myself saying “yeah, I know that”, I’m not having the deep experience of the power that this understanding can bring. I’m trying to work it out, rather than letting it be.

So as I look in the direction that my experience is caused by my thinking and nothing else (yes there are circumstances and people saying and doing things I don’t like, but every experience I ever have, is processed through my brain and my thinking), I become calmer, more understanding of how my experience is created.

I realise insightfully that I am the one creating my thinking and feeling, no-one else.

Now I am free, to think differently, more clearly and to see what my most appropriate response will be, from clarity and choice, rather than upset and reactivity.

It was all like a waking dream. It’s amazing how our thought generated experience is so very pervasive, and it all looks so real when we are in the grips of our upset thinking (and subsequent feeling).

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Born to lead

We are all born to lead.
To lead our own lives.

It is in our essence. It is who we are. We all have an ability to lead.

So awaken to who you really are.
It makes all the difference.

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